Friday, December 16, 2005

Evil Super Villan or CEO

Why does it seem to be that every evil super villan is a former CEO of thier own company. Seems strangely ironic that the personality that comic book writers would chose is a person that most of us would aspire to be. A man who has reached the pinacle of success, who has scratched and climbed his way to the top of the food chain. Additionally they are usually brilliant men, who posses power and intelect far beyond that of thier peers. Just seems strange, but not strange; it is the epitimy of sin. The more powerful the more intellectual, the more self reliant we are the more dangerous of a threat we are to ourselves. The more likely we are to rely upon ourselves, and not rely upon God. The more likely we are to become a super villan


new stuff

this is really pretty interesting stuff.

Sunday, December 11, 2005


It seems strange that we spend our whole lives searching for meaning. It is one thing to eat food and be satisfied, but it is an entirely different thing to eat, and never be satisfied. That no matter how many times we drink the same waters, our thirst is not quenched. It can only mean that there was a food which we were meant to have, and water we were meant to drink that we have not yet tasted. None of the things of earth seem to satisfy, and none of the things that we have looked for have come our way. It would seem that all things are but a shadow. Lacking sustenance, and ultimately lacking the nourishment our souls long for. It is a simple thing to live a life, with simple pleasures, but it is not what we were made for. It seems as though we spend all of our days trying to find fulfillment in this life, but it was not meant to sustain us.  

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Nostalgic Moments

Nostalgic Moments are the ones that make life worth living. Walking around the familiar campus of a college, with beautiful aged buildings. Looking over the banister watching your wife and children's faces beam with the excitement of Christmas anticipation. Sitting in a Chapel, after being out in the cold, with your checks frozen, huddled up with your best friend (wife, just in case anybody is wondering) enjoying the quiet solitude, that most have missed. Posted by Picasa