Thursday, February 23, 2006

Latin the Language of Scholars

"Asinus asinum fricat"
Man this website is a wealth of humor and wit. I would highly recomend it to anyone who has either too much time on thier hands, or not enough to do. You could spend hours learning tidbits of useful latin to impress your friends with. Most of all you can have the pleasure of speaking a language that was once, and still considered the language of scholars.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I am really not just super egotistical, trying to litter my blog with flaunted pictorials of myself. I needed to post this picture somewhere, in order to reference it for the header on my blog. Hopefully soon it will disapear into archival haven, and never really be dug up again.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

City Lights

Did you ever feel like you weren't doing what you were supposed to be. I wonder sometimes if I have missed the boat, and the last call has been given. I find myself struggling with wanting to advance in my career, and having started so late; and conversely shrugging the trappings of a career driven lifestyle. I contemplated today, what would life be like, if I simply walked away from the rat race, and became a farmer. Certainly life wouldn't be easier, but is Agrarianism true? Are we devoid of our un-familiar roots, and have we lost the way. What do I want to do with my life. That is a question I still cannot answer? Posted by Picasa