Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I am constantly reminded that God's love for his people is great. The book of Hosea reveals just how much God really does love his people. As a husband who has been wounded by the sins of his wife, he forgives her time and time again. Hosea's wife Gomer gave herself to other men, and lovers, and yet God tells Hosea to continue on loving her. God willingly commits his servant to a life of utter humiliation, in order to demonstrate His great love for us. Why does God care, why not let his people go astray, and ultimately let them destroy themselves through their own wickedness. My guess is he can't. He can't because his very nature, very fiber of his being is love. That kind of love i simply don't understand, but I know when it touches me. I know that when i experience God's love it cuts through all of my sin and guilt, and the darkness surrounding me.
"even the darkness is not dark to Thee, and the night is as bright as the day" -psalm 139 There is no where i can go, where God's love cannot reach me, which is why he willingly humiliated his servant. To tangibly show his people the extent of his foolish love.

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