Thursday, August 17, 2006

It is finque

Hey i finally finished my website blueflamingo media, it is fairly cool so go check it out. and give me some money, cause lord knows I'm broke.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Life Stinks

Mel Brooks was in a movie a long time ago called Life Stinks, in which he finds out what life is really like for most people. I sometimes feel like my life has been one continual disappointment. It is realy disappointing that I have never amounted to anything. In my idealistic youth, I thought I would be someone important, I would do something important. I have found though that everystep of my life has been one big devaluation. I just feel lost and hopeless about the world we live in. It seems like I have just spent most of my life at the point of tears, with no real sense of hope. Life Stinks sometimes, and wounds can be deep.